Subterranean termites given time and left untreated can cause very serious damage. The termites will keep going back to different areas within the building to eat, which causes damage.
Termites spread most commonly underground. If your home is doesna�?t have termites now, it could become infested by termites that are nearby. Allied Pest Management will let you know about treatment options, if needed. Termites Cause Millions of Dollars in Damage to Structures each Year!
Termite workers light cream colored insects about 1/4 inch or less in length. Sometimes people called white ants, but they are easy to recognize. Ants usually are dark red or black and termites are almost white. Ants are slender in the middle part between the head and body. Termites will look like fat white ants.
The subterranean termite causes this type of tunnel. Obviously the termites are living within the property since the tube returned.
This may be wood decay fungi damage as a result of moisture in the wood. When you repair it, keep the area caulked and painted to prevent a reoccurrence.
Strangely termites are able to eat wood. The bacteria, protozoa and microbes that live inside the termites stomach allows them to digest cellulose.
A worker termite may live one to two years. A queen termite may live for decades.
Termites do not eat concrete, but they can get through small cracks in the concrete. In areas where two slabs of concrete meet you have a tiny space which termites can get through.
The carpenter ant needs a constant moisture source to live indoors. For this reason they are most often outdoors in the trees.
Ants and termites both develop wings. Carpenter ants with wings are about 3/4-inch in length. Termites and other ants are usually 1/2-inch in length or larger. Ita�?s best to have Allied Pest Control make a positive identification.
Fire ants are red ants, which bite. Your neighbors may have colonies that can move back to your yard. Regular fire ant treatment is necessary to keep ants to a minimum.
Bait stations will only have some success on cockroaches if placed properly. Bait stations should be combined with treatment at the source of the problem, within your walls. Knowing how and where to treat for cockroaches is our job.
Flea control requires thorough vacuuming the home, treatment of pets, and treatment of area where the pets live. Ita�?s best to perform all treatments at the same time. We have the proper chemicals to use that wona�?t harm the pets but will stop the fleas.